SOFIA TO SKOPJE BUS – 2019 Prices & Timetable Included
The best and cheapest option to get from Sofia to Skopje is by bus. Two major companies serving this route are Matpu and Kaleya Odd. Both offer couple of connections per day/second day with the travel time around 4 hours and 45 minutes. No matter which company you choose the journey from Sofia to Skopje should be smooth and comfortable.
In Sofia buses depart from the Central bus station (the main one). In Skopje they arrive at the central bus station, located some 10 minutes walking from the square. If you are staying in one of our apartments in Skopje, then the walk will be 25min and taxi will cost 150MKD.
Sofia to Skopje bus timetable has been updated with the 2019 prices.
Sofia to Skopje Bus Timetable

INFO: If you’d like to use a private transfer from Sofia to Skopje you can expect to pay around €110 for the car that can fit up to 4 people. When you travel with a group of friends or family this is certainly a good option as the comfort of the transport is so much bigger than with regular public transport connections.
This option will be a good idea if you would like to stop along the road and visit some cool places in Macedonia.