20+ Government Corruption Examples | Ukraine, USA, India etc.

3) Pakistan:

Pakistan has been plagued by numerous cases of government corruption in recent years. Since its independence in 1947, the country has struggled to find a balance between powerful and corrupt politicians. This has resulted in numerous cases of bribery and embezzlement, as well as a systemic lack of transparency and accountability.

One of the most egregious examples of government corruption in Pakistan was the case of the bridge scandal known as the “orange line” project. In 2016, the government had planned to build a high-speed rail network in Lahore and Karachi, but the project was quickly mired in allegations of fraud and corruption.

The project was estimated to cost $1.7 billion, but the government was accused of awarding contracts without a proper tender process and to cronies or those who had bribed officials. The resulting investigation revealed that $200 million of the project had been embezzled, mostly by companies linked to powerful figures in the government.

This scandal stands as a stark reminder of the need for greater transparency and accountability in government institutions. The resulting public outcry showed the lack of trust the people have in their leaders, and serves as a reminder that corruption can have serious economic, social and political consequences.

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