20+ Government Corruption Examples | Ukraine, USA, India etc.

17) Italy government corruption examples

Italy is a nation with a long history of government corruption.

Notably, in the 1990s the ‘Tangentopoli’ scandal exposed widespread bribery and kickbacks involving politicians, business people, and other public officials.

This scandal shook the nation and intensified popular distrust in government institutions, leading to the demise of the first republic. More recent cases of corruption involve kickbacks to politicians from corporations bidding on government contracts, as well as the mismanagement of public funds in order to secure political interests.

The effects of these cases have had serious effects on the everyday lives of Italians, as public funds are funneled to the corrupt few while average citizens are left with inadequate services and resources.

This has been made worse by the 2008 financial crisis, leading to a further widening of the already high levels of inequality in the country.

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