15 BAD Customer Service Reviews Examples

Here is an interesting collection of bad customer service reviews examples that are even funny at moments. People can be creative when angered by bad customer service, so scroll down to read some unique feedbacks.

15 BAD Customer Service Reviews Examples

BAD Customer Service Reviews Examples

01. Absolutely awful, time consuming and soul destroying. 
It’s an online system and the amount of time it takes to do anything is jaw dropping. Book a half day to do anything at all. And clearly the ‘online’ customer service people are doing more than one call at a time. I feel sorry for them, but no – it’s awful. 

02. They are so politely useless. They keep transferring you from one ‘Senior Manager’ to the next. 
I don’t think I have come access such a sub standard service. 
They just play Ping Pong with you transferring without any results. 
I’ve got to learn all their ‘waiting time’ music by now.

03. I am flabbergasted that something like this can be so bad. No matter what you do or say, you are told to visit a robot that has no idea, or they say goodbye, and that’s it. Speechless. I will leave this lot as soon as I conveniently can. Worrying to think a company can run with customer service like this, let me off the bus!

04. No matter how simple the ask, it’s never quick. Either the staff never understand the question, no matter how simple I make it, or their systems internally are so broken, they working with their hands tied behind their backs. It’s probably both. 

Writing a review today as I was on a call with them for 2hrs today until they cut me off. They can never answer the question, so I have to keep repeating myself.

05. When will the 0 stars review score be available??? WHEN??? Placed an online order on the 30th of September only to be told on the phone by a customer representative that the order was pending and they will fill in a form so the plan will be active in the next 24hrs which obviously did not happened.

06. Words fail me, I have never spent such a difficult day trying to speak to a person and sort out our problem.

Customer online service is guaranteed to give you high blood pressure or heart attack.

My advice would be don’t switch to this company. I would happily pay more for customer service that was helpful. 

If I could have given them no stars then I would have.

06. 4 differing agents have all said it would be with me in an hour and then saying it had been sent but I still have nothing. How difficult is it to attach a document to an e-mail and send it – from whatever internal department? They must be very thin on the ground and really poor communications – plus I can’t escalate.

07. Terrible terrible customer service regardless of the geographical location of the call centre. They have no complaints procedure. When you complain all thru reply is we will give feedback to the agent. Absolutely disgusting

08. The worst customer service of any company I have ever used. Impossible to speak to anyone – just get directed to their on line support which buffers and buffers before closing. Have been trying for days to access on line chat – the only time I got through I was 59th in the queue.

09. Awful awful awful.

Shockingly bad telephone interaction system.

Unintelligible menus, voice recognition that doesn’t work.

Reference numbers that don’t work.

People unable to think for themselves.

45 mins + to achieve the slightest tiny result.

Chat bot – insanely bad.

Web help – answers no questins.

Awful awful.

10. Shame you can’t leave no stars. Worst company in the world to deal with. Even though you have a problem thats unresolved they send text saying if you don’t contact them in five days the case will be closed. Despite the fact you gave contacted them several times about the same problem nothing gets done. They just get you to go over the same things over and over giving the same results. Looking now at how I can terminate my contract without paying them off. I don’t see why I should pay for a service that is not working and they do nothing.

More bad customer service reviews examples are coming soon…