TOP 100 Basic Macedonian Phrases
Learning a language, or at least trying to is a huge part of traveling. Whether its being able to say please and thank you or mastering essential phrases like how to order a beer. Learning basic words is showing effort, respect, and an open mind. When traveling in Macedonia, although most people, especially those in the touristy areas speak English, here are a few basic Macedonian phrases that will help you get by.
For you, we compiled 100 of the most basic Macedonian phrases that are sure to make your life easier while traveling Macedonia.

Basic Macedonian phrases for greetings
- Hello = Zdravo
- How are you? = Kako si?
- I’m fine = Jas sum dobro
- I’m not well = Ne sum dobro
- I come from (America) = Jas sum od Amerika
- What country are you from? = Od koja drzava si ti?
- Thank you = Blagodaram
- Sorry = Izvini
- No problem = Nema problem
- Goodbye = Cao/Prijatno
- Can you speak English? = Zboruvas Angliski?
- What is your name? = Kako se vikas?
- My name is John = Moeto ime e John
Practice the following Macedonian phrases by exploring top things to do in Macedonia now!
Basic Macedonian phrases for addressing people
- I = Jas
- I am = Jas sum
- You = Ti
- You are = Ti si
- He/She/They = Toj, Taa, Tie
- He is/She is/They are = Toj e, Taa e, Tie se
- Female/Male (junior) = Toa/Toa e
- Female/Male (senior) = Vie/Vie ste
Basic Macedonia phrases for directions (taxis, buses, airport, etc.)
- Speak slowly = Zbori popoleka/Zboruvaj Popoleka
- Do you use the taxi meter? = Dali vozite so Taxi Metar
- Nearby = Blisku
- Go straight = Odi pravo
- Take/Go left = Odi levo
- Go right = Odi desno
- Stop = Stop
- To the airport please = Do aerodrom ve molam
- Station = Stanica
- Bus stop = Avtobuska Stanica
- Bus = Avtobus
- Train = Voz
- Airplane = Avion
- Minibus = Minibus
- Car = Kola/Avtomobil
- Bicycle = Tocak/Velosiped
- Motorcycle = Motor
- Boat = Camec/Brod
In case you still haven’t booked a place to stay, go to and check out our 3 beautiful vacation rentals that are loved by travelers.
Learn more phrases from the Balkan languages:
Basic Macedonian phrases for shopping
Bartering is a must at the Turkish Old Bazaar in Skopje and the other open markets all around in Macedonia. Some Macedonian words will help shoppers get a better price. Here are the most useful ones to keep in your back pocket until arriving in the country.
- How much? = Kolku e ova?
- Very expensive = Mnogu skapo
- Can you reduce the price? = Moze popust?
- I want this one = Go sakam ova
Basic Macedonian numbers
- 1 = Eden
- 2 = Dva
- 3 = Tri
- 4 = Cetiri
- 5 = Pet
- 6 = Shest
- 7 = Sedum
- 8 = Osum
- 9 = Devet
- 10 = Deset
- 11 = Edinaeset
- 12 = Dvanaeset
- 13 = Trinaeset
- 20 = Dvaeset
- 21 = Dvaeset i eden
- 22 = Dvaeset i dva
- 30 = Trieset
- 31 = Trieset i eden
- 40 = Cetirieset
- 50 = Pedeset
- 60 = Sheeset
- 70 = Sedumdeset
- 80 = Osumdeset
- 90 = Devedeset
- 100 = Sto
- 500 = Petsto
- 1,000 = Iljada
Basic Macedonian phrases for restaurants or cafes
- Restaurant = Restoran
- Café = Kafic/Kafe bar
- Excuse me = Izvinete
- Bathroom = Toalet/WC
- What is this? = Sto e ova
- Hungry = Gladen
- May I have the menu = Moze meni
- Vegetarian = Vegetarijanec
- Vegan = Vegan
- Water = Voda
- Beer = Pivo
- Chicken = Pilesko
- Rice = Oriz
- Cold = Ladno
- Hot = Toplo
- Please no ice = Ve molam bez mraz
- No sugar = Bez sheker
- 1 more please = Uste edno ve molam
- I like spicy = Moze luto/Sakam luto
- Not spicy = Ne luto
Basic Macedonian phrases for an emergency
You take every precaution you could possibly fathom and are ready for your trip to Macedonia. There is seemingly nothing that could happen that could derail your trip. In case something does, here are some phrases that will help during an emergency.
- Hurts = Boli
- Tooth = Zab
- Dentist = Zabar/Stomatolog – In case you need:
- Where is the police station? = Kade ima policiskata stanica
- Where is the hospital? = Kade ima bolnicata
- Call an ambulance = Viknete brza pomosh
- I’m lost = Se izgubiv
- Can you help = Mozete da mi pomognete
Macedonian phrases for a night out
- Single = Sloboden/Singl
- Would you like a drink = Sakash da se napiesh neshto/Sakate da se napiete neshto
- I’m drunk = Pijan sum
- Cheers = Nazdravje
The 100 of the most basic Macedonian phrases help you have the wonderful trip in Macedonia.