12 Small Claims Court Example Cases
If you’ve been wronged and need to go to court, small claims court can be a great option to seek redress. Small claims courts are designed to allow individuals or small businesses to quickly and inexpensively resolve simple disputes without the need to go to traditional civil court. These courts have limited jurisdiction, usually a set amount of money. So, what kinds of cases can you bring to small claims court? Here are a few Small Claims Court Example Cases that often involve disputes between two individuals:

12 Small Claims Court Example Cases
1. Breach of Contract – If someone has breached a contract with you, either by not providing the goods or services they agreed to provide or failing to pay you as agreed, you can bring a lawsuit in small claims court.
2. Property Damage – If you are the victim of vandalism or property damage, you can take the offender to court for damages.
3. Landlord/Tenant Disputes – Small claims court can resolve disputes between landlords and tenants. Landlords can bring claims if the tenant fails to pay the rent or damages the property, while tenants can sue if their landlord fails to fix the problem or breaches the lease agreement.
4. Personal Injury – If another party is responsible for an injury you’ve suffered, small claims court can be used to recover damages.
5. Defamation or Slander – If another person has made false, damaging statements about you, then you can sue to recover damages.
6. Consumer Disputes – Small claims court can provide recourse for individuals who have been taken advantage of by deceptive or unfair business practices.
7. Debt Collecting – If you are being harassed by a debt collector or owe a debt that is more than the jurisdiction of the small claims court, you can still use small claims court to seek relief. In a debt collecting case, the plaintiff must prove that the debt is owed and the amount due, and the defendant must present evidence that the debt is not owed.
8. Home Improvement Issues – If you hired someone to do home improvement work, but they left the job unfinished or did a sub-par job, you can take the contractor to court for breach of contract. Similarly, if someone did not deliver the goods or services promised, or the products were defective in some way, you can sue them in small claims court.
9. Patent or Trademark Violation – If someone is using a patent or trademark they do not own, you can file a lawsuit in small claims court. This might be the case if someone is manufacturing and selling products that you have a patent on, or if they are trading on your brand name or logo.
10. Automotive Repairs – If you have taken your vehicle to be serviced or repaired and the repair shop has neglected or incorrectly performed the work, then you can bring a case to court. Similar to the home improvement example, you must be able to prove that the repair shop failed in some way, but with evidence such as repair bills or a mechanic’s report.
11. False Advertising – If a business has advertised a product or service to you and the advertisement was misleading or false, then you may be able to sue in small claims court. You’ll need to be able to demonstrate how the advertisement was false or misleading and how you were adversely affected by it.
12. Collection Agency Harassment – If a collection agency has been harassing you for a debt that is not owed, or one which you are repaying, then you can file a complaint in small claims court. You will need to be able to prove that the collection agency has engaged in oppressive or threatening behaviour, such as repeatedly calling or threatening to take legal action.
Although it’s always best to consult a lawyer to discuss your case, small claims court is a great option for resolving simple disputes in a cost-effective way. If you think small claims court is the right route for your situation, make sure to do your research and prepare well for your case. With the right approach, you can ensure that you get the justice you deserve.