SKOPJE to OHRID by Bus – 2019 Prices & Timetable Included
Arranging a bus from Skopje to Ohrid as a foreigner in Macedonia is still not that easy like arranging buses in the rest of Europe. The worst thing is that if you want to book Skopje to Ohrid bus or the other way around you can’t do that online, which means you will need to go to Skopje Central bus station and purchase the tickets from there.

- Read also: Things to do in Ohrid
- Read also: What to do in Skopje? 15 Best Things to do in Skopje
There are few companies that are driving from Skopje to Ohrid and back, mostly with mini vans and stoping in all the cities along the road.
We would recommend using “Galeb“, the oldest company in the country that is transporting passengers from Skopje to Ohrid, and the only one with actual big buses. They are the fastest and the most comfortable.
They depart from Skopje to Ohrid every second hour starting from 6am, then 8am, 10am etc.
An hour before your desired departure from Skopje to Ohrid it is recommended to purchase the tickets at the bus station. Usually there is always space on the buses so no need to go 2 to 3 hours prior your desired time of departure.
- Useful post: Skopje to Ohrid by Car – Road trip in Macedonia
In the timetable below you will find all the info you need for Skopje to Ohrid bus and mini van departures.

If you have experienced any problems during your trip or you didn’t find the Skopje to Ohrid Bus Timetable accurate, please let us know so we can report it and make changes accordingly.