Skopje to Ohrid – Road trip in North, Macedonia
At least once a year, during Spring or Summer we are doing this road trip, from Skopje to Ohrid. Avoiding the main highway we are taking an older local road trough Mavrovo National Park.
- If you don’t have a car, check our post about how to get to Ohrid by bus.
Since we started renting out apartments in Skopje and hosting guests from all around the world we began to organize trips following our favorite road trip in North Macedonia from Skopje to Ohrid for those who don’t have a car.

Skopje to Ohrid road trip can be done in one day or two days, but we recommend 3 or more days.
If you are renting a car for your trip in North Macedonia or you came by car, we highly recommend following the route that starts from Skopje Airport or from the city of Skopje and ends in Ohrid (of course you can do it the other way around).
- Read also: 7 Best Things to do in Skopje
Route – Skopje to Ohrid road trip
- Skopje city
- Galicnik village
- Saint Jovan Bigorski Monastery
- Ohrid city
- Trpejca village
- Saint Naum Ohridski Moanstery
Skopje to Galicnik via Mavrovo
Galicnik and the whole Mijak region is one of the most tradition filled places in whole North Macedonia. Galicnik is known in the world for its characteristic “Galicnik Wedding“, when a young couple (at least one of them having roots from the village) is dressed up in traditional clothes and have a traditional wedding. You can read more about the wedding here.
- See also: How to Get to Galicnik Village
While on the road, before you go up the “Galicki Pat – Galicnik Road” make sure to check out the Sunken church in Mavrovo and enjoy a walk at the lake. We would recommend you spend the night at the village so you can have time for hiking on some of the trails starting from the village, maybe even take on some of the peaks.
While there, make sure you taste the Galicko Sirenje (Galicnik cheese).

The next day from Galicnik to Ohrid
Make sure that you make a stop at one of the most beautiful monasteries in Macedonia, the Saint Jovan Bigorski Monastery and the unrealistic “Duf” waterfall in Rostushe village

After visiting the monastery drive along the Radika river and you will reach Debar and the Debar lake. The drive through this amazing landscape will inspire you to take photos till you reach Ohrid.
Ohrid has 365 monasteries, for each day of the year
We recommend spending the night in Ohrid and enjoy a traditional Macedonian dinner in some of the restaurants near the Church of Saint Sophia and take a walk in the old town towards Saint John Kaneo. Use the next morning for a nice walk in Ohrid old town to see more of the old monasteries.

Ohrid to Trpejca
Trpejca is called the Macedonian Saint Tropez by the locals, for a reason. The peaceful village at the shores of lake Ohrid has a beautiful pebbled beach and crystal clear water. Go swimming in the crystal clear waters and enjoy some traditional Macedonian meal that includes fish. We are recommending Belvica fish.

Hiking on Mount Galicica
We would recommend spending the night in the peaceful village to charge you batteries so you can go on a hiking adventure the next morning at Mount Galicica to conquer its peak “Magaro” and get to a view point from which you can see the two lakes.
Come back down to the village and jump into the lake for a refreshing swim after the hike. Spend the night at the village and get ready for tomorrow.

- You can do the hike the first day when you drive from Ohrid to Trpejca if you want to spend only one night at the village.
Trpejca to Saint Naum
Interesting curvy drive to the Monastery that is definitely worth seeing. There is a parking for a fee of 1 Euro and from there you can explore the area by foot.
Go on a boat ride at the springs for a fee. The water here is crystal clear and is fed by lake Prespa, which is on higher altitude than Ohrid Lake. Wander around the Monastery and have a nice traditional Macedonian food in one of the restaurants at the springs.

Ohrid to Skopje
After visiting Saint Naum Monastery hit the road and be in Skopje in less than four hours (depending on the traffic).
Need a place to stay in the capital while doing the Skopje to Ohrid road trip?
Check out our apartments at
Important to know:
- There are pay tools on the highway to Ohrid, you can pay by Denar, Euro or Credit Card. If you are paying by Euro it will be little bit more expensive.
- There are lots of Gas stations all along the road.
- There is lots of police control along the Skopje to Ohrid highway.
- In winter be careful on the road at Mavrovo National Park and on the part after Kicevo (on the way back). Lots of snow and usually slippery.
- In restaurants don’t order the endemic Ohrid Trout. First of all it is an endangered species so if they have it, that means they are fishing it illegally since it is forbidden. Second, even if they don’t have the original, they will say that they do and give you some other trout that is bred in fish tanks. So order Belvica or Carp.
For more: 15 Things to know before going to Macedonia