20+ Employee Performance Review Examples

Performance reviews are the most important tool for identifying the successes and weaknesses of an employee. As a manager, it’s important to be prepared, knowledgeable and articulate when conducting employee performance reviews. Here, to provide you with all the guidance on how to conduct an effective performance review, we have curated 30 employee performance review…

50+ 360 Feedback Examples

360 Feedback examples provide valuable insights about employee performance. They are used to assess areas of improvement in a variety of different roles, from frontline supervisors and managers to CEOs. The use of 360 feedback is becoming increasingly popular in businesses and organizations, making the ability to create relevant examples more important than ever. In…

20+ Examples of Church Vision Statements

To help churches in their search for a clear and meaningful vision, here are 20 examples of church vision statements and how to implement them at your church. When going to a local church or even searching online, it’s understandable to ask, “What is this church’s vision? What are they hoping to achieve through ministry?”…

40+ Hospital Mission Statement Examples

A hospital is more than a physical building where people go to receive treatments. Behind the busy operation of staffing, caring for patients, and running diagnostic and surgical procedures, a hospital organization also has a mission statement, which outlines its purpose and vision. A mission statement explains why a hospital exists, and the objectives they…

15 Healthcare Mission Statement Examples

A strong healthcare vision statement sets the groundwork for successful planning and development of facilities, policies and care philosophies. It helps to shape the culture of an organisation and guide patient/client expectations. Here, we will look at 10 healthcare mission statement examples that help to create a clear and inspirational path for healthcare professionals. See…

13+ Mission Statement for Bike Company Examples

Bike companies strive to make the best quality products for their customers. Their mission statements are designed to make sure that their customers can trust their products and that the company will always be striving for excellence. Here are 13 mission statement for bike company examples that will improve your online appearance. Mission statement for…