10 Objectives for Research Proposal

Objective 6: Online Research Tools

Given the ever-increasing use of online resources, it is important for any research study to consider the role that online tools and platforms have to play. The primary research question should be the focus of the study, but the proposal should also explain how online platforms and tools can be used to find reliable information that is needed.

Objective 7: Analyzing the Data

Data processing after collecting it is a main objective of any research, as it helps to interpret the results. Proposals should also include information on how this data will be analyzed, and which approaches will be used to interpret the results.

Objective 8: Working in Groups

In research, working and collaborating in groups can help to enhance efficiency, as well as to limit the costs of the project. Any research proposal should explain not only how the researchers are allocated and scheduled, but also how the research project can be completed to the best of everyone’s knowledge and skills.

Objective 9: Estimating the Timeline

Another objective of research proposals is to prepare an estimated timeline for the duration of the project. This lets everyone involved in the research process know how long it will take to complete the project and when it is expected to be finished.

Objective 10: Explaining the Results

When the research results have been successfully gathered, it is important to explain them in the proposal. These should include not only the interpretations of the data and the overall results, but also the implications of the research, and how the results can be used to understand the real-world implications of whatever was studied.


Research proposals are an important part of any research process. To ensure a successful project, the objectives of research should be clearly established and explained. This article discussed 10 essential objectives for research proposals. These include establishing the relevance of the topic, investigating the literature, determining research goals, describing the methodology, developing research hypotheses, utilizing online research tools, analyzing the data, working in groups, estimating the timeline, and explaining the results.

More Objectives for Research Proposal are coming soon…