10 Mock Trial Closing Statement Examples

Example #6: “As you heard today, the defendant acted in a way that was unlawful and contrary to morality. It is the law that all actions must be taken within the bounds of justice and fairness. The defendant did not do this and the plaintiff was wronged as a result. Therefore, I ask you to find the defendant guilty for their wrongdoings and dispense justice as defined by the law.”

Example #7: “Ladies and gentlemen, you have heard the facts and now it is your duty to come to a verdict. The defendant acted in a manner that was unethical and outside the bounds of proper behavior. It is the law’s job to hold those who transgress accountable and that is what we ask you to do today. Find the defendant guilty with the understanding that justice will be served according to the laws of our state.”

Example #8: “As you have heard, the defendant acted in a manner that was unacceptable and without regard for the law. The plaintiff’s rights were violated and the law must take action to right this wrong. Therefore, I ask you to find the defendant guilty for their wrongdoings and make sure that justice is served in accordance with the law.”

Example #9: “Ladies and gentlemen, the evidence presented today has been irrefutable. The defendant acted with disregard for the law and the plaintiff suffered due to their negligence. The law is clear on this point – it is your duty to dispense justice according to the nature of the wrongdoings. Therefore, I strongly urge you to find the defendant guilty.”

Example #10: “Ladies and gentlemen, you have heard the evidence and now it is your job to determine the verdict. The defendant’s actions were wrong and the plaintiff paid the price. The court must now take action to right this wrong and make sure that justice is served. Therefore, I implore you to find the defendant guilty and make sure that justice is upheld.”

More mock trial closing statement examples on the next page…