10 Mock Trial Closing Statement Examples

The closing statement of a mock trial is the most important part of the presentation. It is the closing argument, which is meant to persuade the jury with the most persuasive evidence, argument, and statement of law. A closing statement can be the most effective communication tool for a trial attorney, if it is properly prepared and delivered. This article will provide 30 mock trial closing statement examples that demonstrate the power and impact that a closing statement can have.

Mock trial closing statement examples

Mock trial closing statement examples

Example #1: “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, as you have heard, the facts in this matter have been brought before you. The defense has made every attempt to discredit the plaintiff and prove his guilt. However, the facts remain that the conduct of the defendant was wrong and the plaintiff was wronged. The law is clear on this matter and you must uphold the law and find the defendant guilty.”

Example #2: “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I implore you to consider all of the facts presented here today and make your educated decision. As you may recall, the defendant took advantage of the plaintiff and benefitted from their misfortune. This action was unjust and unjustified in the eyes of the law. As such, I strongly urge you to find the defendant guilty of their actions in a manner that is consistent with what the law dictates.”

Example #3: “Ladies and gentlemen, you have heard the evidence and it is now your responsibility to determine the outcome of this case. Before you jump to any conclusions, consider the facts at hand. The defendant’s actions were unethical, immoral, and illegal. It is clear that the plaintiff suffered due to the defendant’s negligence. Therefore, I ask you to find the defendant guilty with the diligent attention to the facts and evidence that has been presented.”

Example #4: “It is clear from the evidence and the testimony presented today that the defendant was wrong in their actions. The law requires that all parties involved in a case act with justice and fairness. The defendant failed to do so and, as such, must be held accountable for their wrongdoings. Therefore, I urge you to find the defendant guilty of the charges and give the plaintiff the restitution they deserve.”

Example #5: “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the evidence in this case has been laid out clearly. The defendant acted in a manner that was wrong and unjustified. The law is clear on this point – all parties must act within the bounds of proper conduct. The defendant failed to do this and the plaintiff suffered as a result. Therefore, I ask you to find the defendant guilty.”

More mock trial closing statement examples on the next page…