20+ Mentoring Feedback Examples
Mentoring feedback is an important part of any mentoring situation. It can help mentors and mentees stay connected, set goals and track progress. Feedback from one another can help mentees develop their skills and uncover areas for improvement. But creating meaningful and effective feedback isn’t always easy. Here are some mentoring feedback examples to help you get started.

Mentoring feedback examples
• Use the SBI Model. When creating feedback for your mentee, think about the Strength, Barrier and Improvement (SBI) model. Start by highlighting their strengths, then focus on a barrier that’s holding them back and finally specify what needs to be improved. This ensures that each training session is focused and provides your mentee with a roadmap of how to make future progress.
• Establish an Open Dialogue. Mentoring is a two-way street. Make sure to establish an open dialogue with your mentee to truly understand what they need or what they would like to work on.
• Provide Constructive Criticism. Don’t be afraid to give constructive criticism. Offer detailed advice on how to improve, but be sure to start each feedback session with positive statements.
• Review Goal Progress. Include a goal review in each feedback session so your mentee can track their progress. Discuss outcomes and objectives, focusing on understanding how far the mentee has come and what steps need to take place to get to the next level.
• Encourage Mentee to Reflect. Ask your mentee to reflect on the last session, their successes and what they can work on to make improvements. Doing this shows you are listening and helping them grow as a professional.
1. Strengths: You have a great knack for problem solving and come up with creative solutions.
Barrier: You often engage in interpersonal conflict with your coworkers.
Improvement: To help foster a better work environment, focus on communications skills, such as active listening and expressing yourself more positively.
2. Strengths: You have a great eye for detail and often catch things that others miss.
Barrier: You are often resistant to feedback, even when it is given with good intentions.
Improvement: Work to practice acceptance and embrace feedback as an opportunity to learn and grow.
3. Strengths: You have a great ability to quickly adapt to changing circumstances.
Barrier: You tend to be too hard on yourself, quickly getting frustrated or discouraged if your results don’t meet your expectations.
Improvement: Aim to cultivate patience and self-compassion so that you don’t get overwhelmed with the challenges of your job.
4. Strengths: You are great at connecting with people and encouraging strong relationships.
Barrier: You have difficulty managing your time and planning effectively.
Improvement: Focus on planning out your day to day tasks and developing strategies for prioritising and time management.
5. Strengths: You take initiative and have a strong drive for success.
Barrier: You often take on more than you can handle and become overwhelmed.
Improvement: Set realistic and achievable expectations when taking on tasks and responsibilities.
6. Strengths: You are a great public speaker and have a knack for engaging a crowd.
Barrier: You struggle with staying organized and bringing structure to your work.
Improvement: Put a system in place to help you track the progress of your projects and develop a plan to tackle each task.
7. Strengths: You are passionate and enthusiastic about your work.
Barrier: You have trouble delegating tasks and relying on others.
Improvement: Develop a team-oriented mindset and focus on building trust with your coworkers.
8. Strengths: You have a great memory and recall information quickly.
Barrier: You can be too rigid when it comes to thinking outside the box and introducing new ideas.
Improvement: Aim to be more creative and pro-active in your approach to problem-solving and implementing new plans.
9. Strengths: You are able to stay calm and collected in even the most stressful situations.
Barrier: You tend to focus too much on the details and have trouble seeing the big picture.
Improvement: Step back and take a more holistic approach when evaluating situations and problems.
10. Strengths: You are an excellent listener and offer thoughtful insights.
Barrier: You are often too quick to judge or criticize others.
Improvement: Work on being more understanding and supportive when speaking with others.
More mentoring feedback examples on the next page…