TOP 100 Basic Hungarian Phrases
Trying to understand different language is a huge thing for travelers. Being able to say Hello and How are you or mastering essential phrases like how to order a beer. Learning basic words is showing effort, respect, and an open mind. When traveling in Hungary, although most people, especially those in the touristy areas speak English, here are a few basic Hungarian phrases that will help you get by.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that these Hungarian phrases are written in a way that will be easiest for you to pronounce them.
We made a list of 100 basic Hungarian phrases that definitely will make your life easier while visiting Hungary.

Basic Hungarian phrases for greetings
- Hello = Szia! (formal: Jó napot!)
- How are you? = Hogy vagy?
- I’m fine = Jól vagyok
- I’m not well = Nem vagyok jól
- I come from (America) = Amerikai vagyok
- What country are you from? = Melyik országból jöttél?
- Thank you = Köszönöm
- Sorry = Elnézést
- No problem = Semmi baj
- Goodbye = Szia (formal: Viszont látásra!)
- Can you speak English? = Beszélsz angolul?
- What is your name? = Hogy hívnak?
- My name is John = John vagyok
Basic Hungarian phrases for addressing people
- I = én
- I am = én vagyok
- You = te
- You are = te vagy
- He/She/They = ő / ő / ők
- He is/She is/They are = ő van / ő van / ők vannak
- Female/Male (junior) = ő / ő
- Female/Male (senior) = Ön
Basic Hungarian phrases for directions (taxis, buses, airport, etc.)
- Speak slowly = Mondd lassabban, kérlek.
- Do you use the taxi meter? = Bekapcsolta a taxi órát?
- Nearby = közel
- Go straight = Menj egyenesen!
- Take/Go left = Fordulj balra!
- Go right = Fordulj jobbra!
- Stop = Állj meg!
- To the airport please = A reptérre kérem.
- Station = állomás
- Bus stop = buszmegálló
- Bus = autóbusz
- Train = vonat
- Airplane = repülő
- Minibus = minibusz
- Car = autó
- Bicycle = bicikli
- Motorcycle = motorbicikli
- Boat = hajó
Basic Hungarian phrases for shopping
Bargaining is a must at the Bazaars in Hungary. Some Hungarian words will help you get a better price. Here are some useful ones…
- How much? = Mennyibe kerül?
- Very expensive = Nagyon drága.
- Can you reduce the price? = Lehet alkudni?
- I want this one = Ezt kérem szépen!
Basic Hungarian numbers
- 1 = egy
- 2 = kettő
- 3 = három
- 4 = négy
- 5 = öt
- 6 = hat
- 7 = hét
- 8 = nyolc
- 9 = kilenc
- 10 = tíz
- 11 = tizenegy
- 20 = húsz
- 21 = huszonegy
- 22 = huszonkettő
- 30 = harminc
- 31 = harmincegy
- 40 = negyven
- 50 = ötven
- 60 = hatvan
- 70 = hetven
- 80 = nyolcvan
- 90 = kilencven
- 100 = száz
- 500 = ötszáz
- 1,000 = ezer
Basic Hungarian phrases for restaurants or cafes
- Restaurant = étterem
- Café = kávézó
- Excuse me = Elnézést!
- Bathroom = Mosdó
- What is this? = Mi ez?
- Hungry = Éhes
- May I have the menu = Megkaphatnám a menüt?
- Vegetarian = vegetáriánus
- Vegan = vegán
- Water = víz
- Beer = sör
- Chicken = csirke
- Rice = rizs
- Cold = hideg
- Hot = meleg
- Please no ice = jég nélkül
- No sugar = cukor nélkül
- 1 more please = még egyet kérnék
- I like spicy = szeretem a csípőset
- Not spicy = nem csípős
Check some Hungarian recipes here
Basic Hungarian words and sentences for an emergency
- Hurts = fáj
- Tooth = fog
- Dentist = fogorvos
- Where is the police station? = Hol van a rendőrség?
- Where is the hospital? = Hol van a kórház?
- Call an ambulance = Hívj mentőt!
- I’m lost = Eltévedtem
- Can you help = Tudnál segíteni?
Hungarian phrases for a night out
- Single = szingli
- Would you like a drink = Meghívhatlak egy italra?
- I’m drunk = Részeg vagyok
- Cheers = Egészségedre!
The 100 of the most basic Hungarian phrases help you have the wonderful trip in Hungary.