5 Examples of Problem Solving Scenarios + ROLE PLAY SCRIPTS

Role Play: Reducing Plastic Waste in a Local Community

Objective: To practice problem-solving, communication, and collaboration skills by addressing the issue of plastic waste in a local community and finding solutions to promote environmental sustainability.

Scenario: A local community is struggling with an excessive amount of plastic waste, causing environmental pollution and health concerns.


  1. Community Leader
  2. Task Force Member
  3. Local Business Owner
  4. Concerned Resident

Role Play Script:

Scene 1: Community Meeting Community Leader: (Addressing the meeting attendees) Thank you all for coming to this meeting. We’ve gathered here today to address the issue of plastic waste in our community. It’s causing pollution and health concerns, and we need to find solutions. Any ideas?

Concerned Resident: We could start by implementing a recycling program for plastic waste. This would encourage residents to dispose of their plastic responsibly.

Task Force Member: That’s a great idea. We should also educate our community about the environmental impact of plastic waste and how they can reduce their consumption.

Scene 2: Task Force Meeting Community Leader: (Addressing the Task Force members) We need to collaborate with local businesses to promote the use of eco-friendly packaging alternatives. Let’s brainstorm ways to approach and engage them in our initiative.

Task Force Member: We could organize a workshop for local businesses to discuss the benefits of using sustainable packaging and how it can improve their brand image.

Scene 3: Workshop with Local Business Owners Community Leader: (Addressing the attendees) Thank you all for joining us today. We’re here to discuss the issue of plastic waste in our community and how your businesses can help by using eco-friendly packaging alternatives.

Local Business Owner: I’m definitely interested in making a change, but I’m concerned about the costs associated with eco-friendly packaging.

Task Force Member: We understand your concerns. There are various cost-effective options available, and many businesses have found that customers are willing to pay a small premium for sustainable packaging. Additionally, your commitment to the environment could attract more environmentally-conscious customers.

Scene 4: Community Event to Celebrate Plastic Waste Reduction Community Leader: (Addressing the community members) I’m proud to announce that our community has successfully reduced its plastic waste by 30% in the past six months! Thank you all for your efforts, and let’s continue to work together to create a cleaner, healthier environment for future generations.

More Examples of Problem Solving Scenarios are coming soon…