5 Examples of Problem Solving Scenarios + ROLE PLAY SCRIPTS

Role Play: Overcoming Procrastination for Personal Growth

Objective: To practice effective problem-solving and self-management skills by identifying the root cause of procrastination and implementing strategies to overcome it, leading to increased productivity and personal growth.

Scenario: An individual consistently procrastinates, leading to increased stress and reduced productivity.


  1. Procrastinator (Person A)
  2. Friend (Person B)
  3. Mentor (Person C)

Role Play Script:

Scene 1: Coffee Shop Person A: (Speaking to Person B) I’ve been feeling so stressed lately. I can’t seem to get anything done on time, and I’m constantly procrastinating.

Person B: That doesn’t sound good. Have you thought about why you might be procrastinating?

Person A: I’m not really sure. Maybe I’m just lazy, or I have too much on my plate.

Person B: It might be helpful to talk to a mentor or someone who can guide you in overcoming procrastination. They might have some valuable insights and strategies to share.

Scene 2: Meeting with Mentor Person A: (Addressing Person C) I’ve been struggling with procrastination, and I’m not sure how to overcome it. Can you help me?

Person C: Of course! Let’s start by identifying the root cause of your procrastination. Are you afraid of failure or feeling overwhelmed by the tasks you need to complete?

Person A: I think I’m overwhelmed by the number of tasks I have, and I don’t know where to start.

Person C: That’s understandable. Let’s work on setting clear goals and breaking your tasks into smaller, manageable steps. You can also try using time management tools like the Pomodoro Technique to help you stay focused.

Scene 3: Implementing Strategies Person A: (Practicing the Pomodoro Technique) I’ll work on this task for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. (After completing a few cycles) I’m starting to make progress on my to-do list!

Person B: (Noticing the change) Hey, you seem to be getting a lot more done these days. How did you overcome your procrastination?

Person A: I spoke with a mentor who helped me identify the root cause of my procrastination and suggested some strategies to tackle it. By setting clear goals, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and using time management tools, I’ve been able to improve my productivity significantly.

More Examples of Problem Solving Scenarios on the next page…