100 Coolest Airbnbs in the US – Two per State! (PART 1)

Coolest Airbnbs in the US State of Colorado

Juniper’s Tent – Desert Glamping

The tent home a combination of canvas and wood, brings the solution for connecting luxury with nature, without the normal amenities of a typical home, as the lights are run off solar and plumbing is substituted by a composting humanure outhouse.

A spacious, comfortable and stylish Off The Grid escape to immerse yourself in the outdoors while staying comfortable indoors. Glorified camping, a perfect romantic getaway.

most unique airbnb usa

The Monterey Bay

This cabin-like tiny house has upgraded insulation, making it toasty warm. Also an efficient heater, some cozy fleece blankets, and a memory foam mattress.

The decor is ocean theme, and it’s called The Monterey Bay, my mom and dad’s favorite getaway. 

Other features include a state of the art composting toilet, fridge and coffee maker. Muffins and juice served every morning. Showers available in the main house.

unique airbnb usa