2 Conflict Resolution ROLE PLAY Scenarios
Conflict is a natural part of life, and it’s something that can happen in any situation, including in the workplace. Conflict can arise from a variety of sources, such as disagreements over work, personality clashes, or misunderstandings. When conflict occurs, it’s important to find a way to resolve it quickly and effectively. One way to do this is through conflict resolution role play.
See also: 5 Examples of Workplace Conflict Scenarios

Conflict resolution role play is a technique that involves acting out a conflict scenario in a safe, controlled environment. The goal of conflict resolution role play is to practice communication and problem-solving skills, so that when a real conflict occurs, individuals are better equipped to handle it.
Here’s an example of a conflict resolution role play scenario:
- Co-worker 1 (played by your friend)
- Co-worker 2 (played by another friend)
- Mediator (played by you)
Setting: A private conference room.
Scenario: Co-worker 1 and Co-worker 2 are working on a project together, but they have different ideas about how to proceed. They’ve started arguing with each other, and the situation is getting heated.
Mediator: Hi, thank you both for coming here today. I understand there is some conflict between the two of you about the project. Can you tell me what’s been going on?
Co-worker 1: Yes, we have different ideas about how to proceed with the project. I think we should take a more conservative approach, while Co-worker 2 wants to take a more aggressive approach.
Co-worker 2: Yes, and I think that Co-worker 1 is being too risk-averse. We need to be bold if we want to succeed.
Mediator: I see. It sounds like you both have different opinions about how to proceed. Have you tried to come to a compromise?
Co-worker 1: We’ve tried, but we just can’t seem to agree on anything.
Co-worker 2: Yes, we’re just stuck.
Mediator: Well, let’s try to work through this. Co-worker 1, can you explain why you think the more conservative approach is the way to go?
Co-worker 1: Sure. I think that the more conservative approach will help us avoid any potential risks or problems that might arise.
Mediator: And Co-worker 2, why do you think the more aggressive approach is the way to go?
Co-worker 2: I think that the more aggressive approach will help us get ahead of our competition and gain more market share.
Mediator: I see. So, it seems like you both have valid points. Is there any way you can find a compromise that takes into account both approaches?
Co-worker 1: Well, maybe we could try a hybrid approach that takes some elements of both approaches.
Co-worker 2: That’s a good idea. We could be a little more aggressive in some areas, but also take some steps to mitigate risks.
Mediator: That sounds like a good compromise. Are you both willing to try this approach?
Co-worker 1: Yes, I think that could work.
Co-worker 2: I’m willing to give it a try.
Mediator: Great. Let’s document this hybrid approach and move forward with the project.
Through this conflict resolution role play scenario, the individuals were able to practice active listening, communication, and problem-solving skills. These skills can be applied in real-life conflict situations, allowing individuals to handle conflicts in a calm and constructive manner.
More conflict resolution role play scenarios on the next page…