TOP 100 Basic Indonesian phrases
If you are traveling to this tropical country that is located in South East Asia you will definitely need some basic Indonesian phrases. Even though in the touristic places like Bali & Lombok most of the people speak English, for the adventurers that want to explore off the beaten path, basic Bahasa will be useful.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that these Turkish phrases are written in a way that will be easiest for you to pronounce them.
We made a list of 100 basic Indonesian phrases for easier understanding while traveling
Basic Bahasa Indonesia phrases of greetings :
- Hello = Halo
- How are you? = Apakabar?
- I’m fine = Saya baik
- I’m not well = Saya tidak baik
- I come from (America) = Saya berasal dari (country)
- What country are you from? = Berasal dari negara manakah kamu?
- Thank you = Terimakasih
- Sorry = Maaf
- No problem = Tidak masalah
- Goodbye = Selamat tinggal
- Can you speak english? = Bisakah kamu berbicara bahasa Ingris?
- What is your name? = Siapakah nama kamu?
- My name is Ade = Nama saya Ade
Basic Indonesian phrases for addressing people:
- I = Saya
- I am = Saya
- You = Kamu / Anda
- You are = Kamu / Anda adalah
- He/She / They = Dia/Dia /Mereka
- Female / Male = Perempuan / Laki
- Woman / Man = Wanita / Pria
See also: TOP 100 Basic Hungarian Phrases
Basic Bahasa Indonesia words for directions (taxis, buses, airport, etc)
- Speak slowly = Bicara pelan-pelan
- Do you use the taxi meter?= Apakah kamu / anda menggunakan argo meter
- Nearby = Dekat
- Go straight = Jalan lurus
- Take / Go left = Ambil ke kiri
- Stop = Berhenti
- To the airport please = Tolong ke bandara
- Take me to the airport please = Tolong antar saya ke bandara
- Station = Stasiun
- Bus stop = Pemberhentian bis
- Bus = Bis
- Train = Kereta Api
- Airplane = Pesawat terbang
- Mini bus= bis kecil
- Car = Mobil
- Bicycle = Sepeda
- Motorcycle = Sepeda motor
- Boat = Perahu
Basic Indonesian phrases for shopping :
- How much? = Berapa banyak?
- How much does it cost? = Berapa harganya?
- How much do you have? = Berapa banyak yang kamu punya?
- How much money? = Berapa uangnya?
- Very expensive = Sangat mahal
- Can you reduce the price? = Bisakah kamu menurunkan harga?
- I want this one = Saya ingin yang ini!
Basic Indonesian numbers :
- 1 = Satu
- 2 = Dua
- 3 = Tiga
- 4 = Empat
- 5 = Lima
- 6 = Enam
- 7 = Tujuh
- 8 = Delapan
- 9 = Sembilan
- 10 = Sepuluh
- 11 = Sebelas
- 12 = Dua belas
- 13 = Tiga belas
- 14 = Empat belas
- 15 = Lima belas
- 16 = Enam belas
- 17 = Tujuh belas
- 18 = Delapan belas
- 19 = Sembilan belas
- 20 = Dua puluh
- 21 = Dua puluh satu
- 22 = Dua puluh dua
- 30 = Tiga puluh
- 31 = Tiga puluh satu
- 32 = Tiga puluh dua
- 40 = Empat puluh
- 50 = Lima puluh
- 60 = Enam puluh
- 70 = Tujuh puluh
- 80 = Delapan puluh
- 90 = Sembilan puluh
- 100 = Seratus
- 500 = Lima ratus
- 1000 = Seribu
- 10.000 = Sepuluh ribu
- 100.000 = Seratus ribu
- 1.000.000 = Satu juta
Basic Indonesian phrases for restaurants or cafe :
- Restaurant = restoran
- Cafe = Kafe
- Excuse me sir / mam = Permisi tuan / nyonya
- Bathroom = Kamar mandi
- What is this? = Apa ini?
- Hungry = Lapar
- May I have the menu = Boleh saya minta menunya
- Vegetarian = Vegetarian
- Vegan = Vegan
- Water = Air
- Beer = Bir
- Chicken = Ayam
- Rice = Nasi
- Cold = Dingin
- Hot = Panas
- Please no ice = Tolong tanpa es
- No sugar = Tanpa gula
- One more please = Tolong satu lagi
- I like spicy = Saya suka pedas
- Not spicy = Tidak pedas
Basic Bahasa Indonesia words for Emergency :
- Hurts = Sakit
- Tooth = Gigi
- Dentist = Dokter gigi
- Where is the police station? = Dimana kantor polisi?
- Where is the hospital? = Dimana rumah sakit?
- Call an ambulance = Panggil ambulan
- I’m lost = Saya tersesat
- Can you help= Bisakah kamu menolong
Bahasa Indonesia for a night out :
- Single = Tunggal
- Would you like a drink = Apa kamu mau minum
- I’m drunk = Saya mabuk
- Cheers = Bersulang