3 Low Maintenance Plants to get for your Airbnb

These low maintenance plants will make you Airbnb stand out, on the pictures and also in live.

The reasons why you need low maintenance plants in your Airbnb is that not all the guests that stay longer will take care of your flowers. As some plants need more care, being neglected for week or two can mean death for them.

That is why, our selection of low maintenance plants will help you choose the one that fits your taste and also save your time for care or replanting if neglected.

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Low Maintenance Plants for your Airbnb


Live Indoor Snake Sansevieria Floor Plant. The Sansevieria grows best near a sunny window and can tolerate low light. You need to water when the top couple inches of the soil are dry.

Low Maintenance Plants
Low Maintenance Plants

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ZZ Zanzibar low maintenance plant – One of our favorite low maintenance plants

This virtually indestructible houseplant can take months and months of neglect and low light and still look amazing.

ZZ plant stems grow in a graceful, wand-like shape that starts thick and bulbous at the base and then tapers to a point. The entire plant has a waxy, shiny coating that makes it appear to resemble those made of plastic, it is not uncommon for people to insist that it must be an artificial plant.

Zz plants do best in bright to moderate, indirect light but will do fine in extremely low levels of light. This plant makes an ideal plant for a window-less office or bathroom where it will only receive Small amounts of fluorescent light.

ZZ Plant Care starts with a lack of care. In fact, zz plants will do better If you leave them alone. Much like cacti, they need less rather than more water. Water the plant only when the soil has dried out. It can survive months without water, but will grow faster if watered somewhat regularly.

plants that dont need much care

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Devil’s Ivy Golden Pothos

Golden Pothos is one of the easiest houseplants to grow; it’s a low maintenance vining plant and drought tolerant. Pothos grows best in bright light, but can tolerate low light; Keep the soil moist and water weekly.

best plants for airbnb

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