15 BAD Customer Service Reviews Examples

11. By far the worst customer care I have received to date. The so called tech team are less than useful, with contradictions in every sentence! The only thing consistent amongst them was ‘press the reset button…..After being messed around for weeks we finally cancelled the order – which was an ordeal in itself!

12. This should not be called customer service. It is a total customer windup.
Unbelievably appalling. Lack of knowledge, lack of basic intelligence and lack of regard for customers.

13. Got cut off by their automated system before I could speak to any CSR. Tried several times. Eventually gave up. Over priced, unreliable service. Non-existent customer service.

14. Still waiting!!
Submitted yet another official complaint 
Let’s see if this bunch of incompetent unprofessional lot have the decency to reply
After spending yet another 2 hours on the phone the agent promised me that a letter regarding the situation (complaint) had gone out

15. Worst Support ive ever had. Been online to your chat for over 1 1/2 hours. I have lost count how many times I have had to repeat myself and been passed to different teams to deal with my request. After all that time nothing has been resolved. Joke of a support team!

More BAD Customer Service Reviews Examples are coming soon...